I know it has been a long time since you have heard from the Maultsby's. We have finally started getting the nursery together. Craig and Papa Allen worked diligently assembly the crib after Craig and Papa Maultsby worked for days getting the room painted and rented. We are so thrilled with how it is turning out. As you can see it farm animal themed. We are still waiting on a rocking chair and where to hang the wall hangings, but we are starting to feel prepared, or at least a ready as you can be when expecting your first baby.
Looks great! It is fun to get everything ready. Putting the crib together is a big hurdle. I felt like we needed an engineering degree the first time we did it.
S&C: Hey there! The nursery is so very cute...I know that you and Craig will be super parents. Lucky boy!
hey guys!!!! i am sooooo happy for you two! looking at your pics reminds me of when we were expecting nathan and the sarah years later. there is nothing else in THIS WORLD that can ever come close to the experience and the love that you feel when having a child. i miss those times sooooooooo much! i love ya'll and hopefully will see you soon, it's been too long. melissa little
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