I don't seem to be as efficient at my posts as I was in the beginning. I guess that is a sign of times to come. The good news is Cannon is doing fantastic, I can't believe he is 3 months old already. He is reaching and grabbing objects now, making the music play in his gym and shaking rattles on his own. He is holding is head up and trying hard to sit up. So far he has rolled over half-way, so I think all the way will be coming very soon. According to the bathroom scale we are weighing in at about 14 pounds. I believe it, because he is wearing 6 months clothes now.
The bad news is my boss dropped a bomb on me that he can no longer come to work with me. I learned this about 3 weeks ago. I have been scrambling for suitable child care ever since. We think we have it figured out, but it is definitely the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. I start back to work tomorrow with a lot prayers.
Two days a week he is going to attend Journey Community Church's Parent's Day Out program. A former student of Craig's is the director there and it is a wonderful place. So yes, it is Cannon's first day of school today, and I am sure mommy will shed a tear or two. All signs of how fast they grow up!!